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Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency now available as payment option

We’re happy to announce that we now accept bitcoin and over 50 altcoins with
You need to have a Wallet with funds and then you can pay. There are many different options of wallets and you need to find one that works for you.
A plus is that you then can offer to accept payments or offer crypocurrency as payment when you’re buying or selling on our website.

You can signup at coingate and buy cryptofunds with your creditcard but they need to verify your creditcard and that will take some time but is a one-time setup. You can review the process here: coingate guide

RosaSidan crew

Source:: RosaSidan news

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Important update on the Rules

We do allow various adult content but we do Not allow: drugs, defecation, urination, vomiting, underage, beastiality.
Any ads or posts will be deleted and the profile might be deleted if it contains such services. If you do find members promoting any of these services please report it to us by sending a pm with the profilename

Thank you for making our website a fun place for all!RosaSidan

Source:: RosaSidan news

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New Feature: I Like!

We have added new feature that we think will be very useful: I Like – a new field in your profile where you can add keywords of what you like and offer or want. This field has been added to the profile searchengine so that people can find what they’re looking for much easier, and also included in Personal ads.
This was added after we noticed how a lot of people put up a list of things they do Not like, for example spanking. So when a person searches for spanking the profile who don’t like it and has written the word spanking will come up. And that is a total mismatch. So to avoid this and to find more matches, please go to your profile and edit the I Like field and add what you Like with keywords separated by comma.
For example. If you’re a camgirl then write that in I Like; cam, toys, chat.
If you’re looking for a sexy date then write in I Like: sex, date, oral.
We hope you all will utilize this great feature and find your perfect match today!
Have fun!
Rosa Sidan crew

Source:: RosaSidan news

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New Feature: I Like!

We have added new feature that we think will be very useful: I Like – a new field in your profile where you can keywords of what you like and offer or want. This field has been added to the profile searchengine so that people can find what they’re looking for much easier, and also included in Personal ads.
This was added after we noticed how a lot of people put up a list of things they do Not like, for example spanking. So when a person searches for spanking the profile with the word spanking will come up. And that is a total mismatch. So to avoid this and to find more matches, please go to your profile and edit the I Like field and add what you Like with keywords separated by comma.
We hope you all will utilize this great feature and find your perfect match today!
Have fun!
Rosa Sidan crew

Source:: RosaSidan news

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Gold and Regular membership are now more discreet

Gold membership is for our valued lovers and fans. We understand your need to be discreet and have therefor made some changes to Gold membership and to Regular (free) membership;
Shoutbox: From now on Gold member shouts are only visible to logged in members and not open to the world. So you can now post your greetings and messages safely. (But no contact info or prices please as no ads are allowed).
Personal Ads: If you want to be seen more then place an Personal ad in Adult jobs > Various Wanted category and as a Gold member your ad will be getting Gold status and will be listed on top of the category and sidebar and be seen by all.
Personal Ads: For Regular members there has been no changes. You can post free personal ads as usual.
Are you an advertiser with Regular or Gold membership and want to be seen more? Then Platinum membership is for you. Platinum members shouts posts are visible to All as usual, incl logged out members and guests. Your shouts are being seen more to guests since Gold members posts are now hidden.
RosaSidan crew

Source:: RosaSidan news

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Gold and Regular membership is now more discreet

Gold membership is for our valued lovers and fans. We understand your need to be discreet and have therefor made some changes to Gold membership and to Regular (free) membership;
Shoutbox: From now on Gold member shouts are only visible to logged in members and not open to the world. So you can now post your greetings and messages safely. (But no contact info or prices please as no ads are allowed).
Personal Ads: If you want to be seen more then place an Personal ad in Adult jobs > Various Wanted category and as a Gold member your ad will be getting Gold status and will be listed on top of the category and sidebar and be seen by all.
Personal Ads: For Regular members there has been no changes. You can post free personal ads as usual.
Are you an advertiser with Regular or Gold membership and want to be seen more? Then Platinum membership is for you. Platinum members shouts posts are visible to All as usual, incl logged out members and guests. Your shouts are being seen more to guests since Gold members posts are now hidden.
RosaSidan crew

Source:: RosaSidan news

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Updated payment gateway

Just a notice: We have updated our payment page and it looks different from the previous one. But it’s the same secure company, alliedwallet aka gtbill, that takes care of your card payments and keeps your information safe.
Also, with every purchase you get 1 free hour of Featured Profile as a bonus for being a valued member!
If you need help or have questions, just send us – Admin – a pm.
RosaSidan crew

Source:: RosaSidan news

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Image Search

We have added a new feature: Image search.
The links are listed below images. Simply click to search for the image in google or tineye.
Our website is popular and unfortunately scammers and spammers joins too. So use our image search feature before contacting new members to avoid obvious fake profiles.
If you need help contact us via pm or place a support ticket.
RosaSidan crew

Source:: RosaSidan news

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One-click to repost your Personal ad!

Great new feature: RePost your personal ad with just one click!
Login, and then go to Apps > Ads and pick the ad you want to post again and click the link: Repost – done!
This feature is available for our upgraded members only. If you haven’t upgraded then click to upgrade now for this feature and all other features that are included!
Please note; You can only post and repost one ad per day.
Send us a pm if you have questions.
RosaSidan crew

Source:: RosaSidan news

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New Feature: Pay to Reply!

We are pleased to announce our great new feature: Pay to Reply!
The biggest complaint on any dating and social website is that people don’t answer. By offering an incentive your chances for a reply will increase!
What it is: Send a Pay to Reply pm to a member. When that member replies, that member gets paid 1 diamond that is deducted from your account.
Why pay: Greatly increase replies! Your pm will have the Paid Pm icon and therefor stand out. If they still don’t answer your pm after 3 days, the credit will return to your account so no loss for you.
Why get paid: We offer several features where you can spend your credits such as Shoutbox, Pinned ad and Upgrade account. Read more about our Diamond credits.
Do I have to pay?: No, of course not! This is just an option to increase the chances for a reply and looking good doing it. You can always send free pm’s as usual.
Do I have to accept paid pm’s?: No, of course not! But you’ll be missing out. Either ignore the pm or turn off this feature by going to Settings > Privacy and change Accept Paid messages to No.
Send us a pm if you have questions.
RosaSidan crew

Source:: RosaSidan news