Launch of our New and Improved site

We are very excited about the relaunch of our site.
The biggest change is that we have removed the ad forum for a much better Classified with Personal ads. With a better layout and more categories our visitors can easier find what they’re looking for.
For those who post their Personal ads will find easy features that will make adding and editing their ad much easier.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!
We hope you like our new and improved site.


Sexy girls member profiles

rosasidan-sexiga-tjejers-profiler has over a 1.000 female members. And not all of them post contact ads on our forum. So to find women in your city use our internal searchengine for profiles.
You can pick your search criteria such as city, age, with or without image, logged in now and other choices.

Are you already a member? Make sure you complete your profile so you’ll be seen as much as possible in searches.

Everyone can use our searchengine, even guests. But only members can view adult avatars and contact other members, so become a member today – it’s free.

Sugarbaby seeks Sugardad

RosaSidan Sugar babe

Greyerbaby / Pixabay

Sugarbaby girls and guys looking for Sugardaddy / Sugarmom. Find like minded who appreciate what he other has to offer and knows how to show it.

RosaSidan website is for generous gentlemen and the women who appreciates them. ANd with Rosa Sidan Diamond credits you can send and receive gifts or why not a Premium membership and enjoy all of our sites functions.

Who ever said that money can’t buy happiness haven’t visited our website…

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Advertising forum updated

The update of our ad forum is done.
We have added new subcategories: More of… in the Companionship and Erotic Service and Items forums. This is to keep our forum running smoothly, discourage spammers and scammers, and offer more various advertising options.How to post: Premium member can post in the main category as usual. It might take the scripts a few minutes to update so if you recently upgraded then please wait a few minutes, then you will be able to post in the main category.
Regular members may now scroll down and click into More of…category and post as usual.

Earn Free premium membership with our Affilate program or login and click to Upgrade and as a Premium member you’ll be able to post in the Shoutbox as well.

As always, please read the forum rules before posting so your ad is in compliance and in the correct category.

Thank you for choosing RosaSidan.

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Server update

We’re very grateful that so many have found their way to our new site and made us their first source for adult companionship and entertainment.
To accommodate the amount of visitors we get we have now upgraded our hosting and our site should be running more smoothly.Every time you purchase a Premium membership or Diamonds you’re helping to keep our site up and running and banner free and another great reason to buy membership or Diamonds.

Thank you
RosaSidan crew

Welcome to

Welcome to

Here at blog we’ll post updates regarding our main site

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rosasidan-diamondRosaSidan – not just a forum, now a whole website!

We’re very excited about our launch of our new website. With this new site we can offer alot of great features;

  • Diamonds credits. Our own currency to buy access to various content and features.
  • Shoutbox – post comments for all to see. Cost 1 Diamond for regular members, incl for premium members.
  • Profile settings – too many to mention but you have full control of who access what and who can contact you.
  • Hot or Not – submit your own image and vote on others.
  • Events – post special occasions and invite people to participate.
  • Blogs – start a blog and share your point of view.
  • Updates – everytime you upload images, videos or audio files they will be listed on everyones wall and also featured in each category.
  • And much more…

We hope you’ll enjoy our new and improved website.
RosaSidan crew