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New Feature: Pay to Reply!

We are pleased to announce our great new feature: Pay to Reply!
The biggest complaint on any dating and social website is that people don’t answer. By offering an incentive your chances for a reply will increase!
What it is: Send a Pay to Reply pm to a member. When that member replies, that member gets paid 1 diamond that is deducted from your account.
Why pay: Greatly increase replies! Your pm will have the Paid Pm icon and therefor stand out. If they still don’t answer your pm after 3 days, the credit will return to your account so no loss for you.
Why get paid: We offer several features where you can spend your credits such as Shoutbox, Pinned ad and Upgrade account. Read more about our Diamond credits.
Do I have to pay?: No, of course not! This is just an option to increase the chances for a reply and looking good doing it. You can always send free pm’s as usual.
Do I have to accept paid pm’s?: No, of course not! But you’ll be missing out. Either ignore the pm or turn off this feature by going to Settings > Privacy and change Accept Paid messages to No.
Send us a pm if you have questions.
RosaSidan crew

Source:: RosaSidan news